Suicide warning signs are not always obvious. Some people make their intentions clear, while others keep suicidal thoughts and feelings secret.
- Talking or writing about suicide. Making statements such as, “I’m going to kill myself,” “I wish I was dead,” or “I am just so tired of life”.
- Buying guns or knives, or stockpiling pills
- Withdrawing from social contact
- Severe mood swings
- Thinking constantly about death, dying or violence
- Depression or a sense of hopelessness
- Increased use of alcohol or drugs
- Changing normal routine, including eating and sleeping patterns
- Doing risky or self-destructive things, such as using drugs or driving recklessly
- Giving away belongings or getting affairs in order
- Saying goodbye to people as if for the last time
- Personality changes, such as an outgoing person becoming withdrawn, or a well-behaved person suddenly acting rebellious
Additional Risk Factors
- Stress over school, relationships, expectations
- Previous suicide attempts — almost half of teens who commit suicide had made previous attempts
- Family history of abuse, suicide or violence
- A recent loss such as a death, break-up or parents’ divorce
- Being bullied or being a bully; Cyberbullying
- An estimated 75% to 90% of adolescent suicide deaths are associated with mental illness
- LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) are 4 times more likely to make a suicide attempt than their peers
Learn more, including warning signs that are specific to teens and older adults at Know the Signs: www.suicideispreventable.org/find-the-words
If you or someone you care about is in crisis:
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Call 1-800-273-8255 (TALK) and at www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org
- Veterans Crisis Line: Call 1-800-273-8255 and press 1 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) www.veteranscrisisline.net
- Stanislaus County Community Emergency Response Team: Call 209-558-4600 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week), or visit: www.stancounty.com/bhrs/emergency-services.shtm
- Emergency: Call 911
- Suicide Prevention App: www.my3app.org
- Suicide Prevention Services: www.stancounty.com/bhrs/suicide-prevention.shtm
- Local resources: Call 2-1-1, visit www.stanislauscounty211.org or text your zip code to 898211
Resources for older adults:
- Call the National Senior Support Line: 1-800-235-9980
- Stanislaus County Aging and Veteran Services: 209-558-7380 or www.agingservices.info
- StanUp for Wellness: a platform devoted to improving the emotional health and wellbeing of every Stanislaus County resident while reducing the stigma often associated with mental illness. Please visit the website to explore and learn more about our unique, grassroots movement that continues to transform and inspire residents to “StanUp for Wellness” in our community: www.stanupforwellness.org/en
- Know the Signs: www.suicideispreventable.org/find-the-words
- Friends Are Good Medicine: a county-wide clearinghouse of self-help peer support services in both the general an professional community. www.friendsaregoodmedicine.com
Adapted from Ventura County Behavioral Health / www.venturacountyresponds.org